
I started to build this website because I wanted to learn how to do it: I modified it during these years and I'm trying to make it more useful. I hope that you have enjoyed these pages and maybe, found something interesting and maybe something in common with me.


I'd like to thank everyone who has contributed to this website, first of all my husband Stefano and all the authors who have shared their works for free or under a Creative Commons license. Thanks to all people, who had read these pages and my blog, who had written to me, giving me a reason to go on.



The icons in the Home Page, in the page Contact and near the data (the lovely Smashy the Alien) are by Maja Brencic, the icons angel and devil in the page About me are by Visualpharm.

I' d like to mention also the photographers whose shot I used in the previous version of this website: TalayehS, ladygoth, sciain, scaramuccino, loungerie
Witheyes, taras bulba. You can find their works on Flickr.

The quotes in the pages come from www.citazioni.tk and are translated by me, like all the pages. I apologize for my mistakes.




A lonely man is always in a bad company.
Paul Valery (1871-1945)

© Federica Peruzzo 2007