


  5. The Sacramentary known as the Sacramentary of San Satiro or Ariberto, in Ariberto da Intimiano. Fede, potere e cultura a Milano nel secolo XI, a cura di E. Bianchi, Cinisello Balsamo 2007 (Italian) 

5.1. abstract (Italian)  

 4.The ‘Breviarium ambrosianum’ of Pietro Casola (1490), in «Ricerche storiche sulla Chiesa Ambrosiana», 24 (2006), pp. 9-52 (Italian)

  3. Pietro Casola publisher of Ambrosian liturgical books in the 15th Century, in «Italia medioevale e umanistica», 46 (2005), pp. 149-206 (Italian)

  2.Notes for the history of the altar of the San Martino church in Vergiate, in L’altare di Bernardino Castelli nella chiesa parrocchiale di Vergiate, a cura di S. Carraro-F. Peruzzo, Casorate Sempione 2004

2.1. Read the essay (Italian)

  1.Orrico Scaccabarozzi: an archpriest and a poet in Milan in the 13th Century, in «Aevum», 76 (2002), pp. 325-368

1.1. Read the essay (Italian)

1.2. Abstract (Italian)

© Federica Peruzzo 2007.



Before learning how to write,
learn how to think.

Nicolas Boileau (1636-1711)